podcast David Dukes on Transitioning CRP Land to No-Till Production
In this episode of the “No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators” podcast, brought to you by Martin Industries, No-Till Farmer editor Frank Lessiter talks with David about his approach to converting CRP ground, including why he says soybeans are a great crop to plant for the first-year of production and how he goes about terminating sod beforehand.
product roundup Ditchers & Water Management Product Roundup 2020
Check out the latest in ditchers and water management from some of the industry's leading suppliers.
in case you missed it [Podcast] Guy Swanson and the Yielder Drill
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by Calmer Corn Heads, No-Till Farmer editor Frank Lessiter talks with Guy Swanson, who, along with his father, Mort, developed the Yielder drill, nicknamed “Old Yeller,” which helped producers no-till crops on the steep slopes of the Palouse area.
harvest preparation quiz Take Our Harvest Preparation Quiz and Receive a Free Report!
The editors of No-Till Farmer developed an interactive quiz to test your knowledge on harvest preparation. Take the quiz now and receive 2 points for every correct answer submitted. After taking the quiz, we'll send you your score and a free PDF copy of an insightful report, "A No-Tiller's Guide to Combine Setup and Maintenance," which features useful tips to make your combine a well-tuned no-till asset before, during and after a busy fall harvest. Take the quiz »