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Why get grilled by the Mrs. over a big cigar bill? If you can't stand...
Why get grilled by the Mrs. over a big cigar bill? If you can't stand...
Buy today's 24-hour deal on cigars before it expires!
1 Day Flash Sale

Why get grilled by the Mrs. over a big cigar bill? If you can't stand the heat, stock up and save up to 70% off MSRP during today's National Brand Price Cooker! Today's feast is perfect for gluttons with a bottomless coolerdor and a big appetite for premium brands. Start swiping to score over 110 lip-smacking deals from Ashton, Arturo Fuente, La Aroma de Cuba, Oliva, San Cristobal, My Father, Perdomo, AJ Fernandez, Cain, La Gloria Cubana, Macanudo, Nub, Alec Bradley, CAO, E.P. Carrillo, Punch, Camacho, Gran Habano, Nat Sherman, Padilla, Kristoff, Baccarat, Villiger, The Griffin's, Room 101, and many more for as low as 99-cents per cigar, plus FREE SHIPPING on your entire order!

ORDER TOLL FREE: 1-800-523-1641
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