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As the pretty autumn leaves gently drift to the ground, prices on your...
As the pretty autumn leaves gently drift to the ground, prices on your...
Enjoy massive savings on a huge variety of cigars all week long!
Weekly Special

As the pretty autumn leaves gently drift to the ground, prices on your favorite cigars are plummeting faster than a bowling ball rolled off an eleven-story balcony, son! Save up to 91% off MSRP before you finish buttoning your flannel shirt this week. We dropped over 200 blistering deals into your inbox like marshmallows in a piping hot cup of cocoa. Shop for shocking discounts on Ashton, Arturo Fuente, La Aroma de Cuba, San Cristobal, Oliva, Macanudo, Perdomo, Nub, Romeo y Julieta, Rocky Patel, Alec Bradley, AJ Fernandez, Punch, Cain, E.P. Carrillo, H. Upmann, La Flor Dominicana, Kristoff, CAO, Gran Habano, Villiger, Baccarat, Camacho, Padilla, Nat Sherman, The Griffin's, and many more for as low as 95-cents per cigar. Fatten up the stash in your man cave and get FREE SHIPPING before your pals arrive to hibernate for the winter!

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