See Our 007 Private Club Member's Offers!

Increased savings alert! You can now save 40% when you create a subscription order. Shop new CBD Gummies - or any other Bluebird CBD favorite.
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Did you know you can now save 40% when you subscribe?

Get CBD on your schedule.

Hi, friend. 

There have been a lot of recent exciting happenings around the nest! We recently launched our long-awaited CBD Gummies, answering the requests of taste-enthusiasts everywhere. Now, Bluebird has INCREASED the amount of subscription program discount to 40% off. If you sign up for this program before December 31, you'll be able to save on your ongoing subscription into 2021. 

Bluebird's subscription program allows you to get the CBD products you need on your schedule. It's flexible, with customizable delivery options and the ability to modify, skip, or cancel at any time. And it saves you money on every order.

With love,

Your Bluebird Friends

Questions? We're here for you.

Our customer care team is just one call or email away. They are available Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm MST. 

Contact Our Care Team

(720) 726-5132

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