feature Cover Crops ‘Greening Up’ Growers’ Bottom Lines
Results of the first annual Cover Crop Benchmark Study show a healthy level of enthusiasm and success among farmers with cover crops as they seek to protect their farms from erosion, reduce input costs and improve soil health on their operations.
video Grazing Cover Crops for High Quality Feeding, Soil Health
Herington, Kan., farmer Shawn Tiffany shares how he and his brother, Shane, are utilizing cover crops for high-quality feed and improving soil health at the 32,000-head Tiffany Cattle Co. The operation is primarily a custom cattle-finishing facility that also includes a 1,200-acre farm where corn, winter wheat, silage sorghum and soybeans are no-tilled. Various cover crops are sometimes harvested as a second crop.
No-Till 101 Top No-Till Stories from July 2020
In case you missed them, here are the items that have garnered the most interest from farmers in the month of July.