What I've Learned from No-Tilling No-Till and Cover Crops Give Tired Soils New Life
A cross-state move and knowing the potential of no-till bought our family and the land we purchased a fresh start. A commitment to cover crops gave us a mid-race boost we’re still riding.
Video No-Tillers Share Tips for Planting Green into Living Covers
At the 2019 Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance Field Day, veteran no-tillers Jim Hershey, Brian Zimmerman, Ben Peckman and Frank Stoltzfus share how they’ve set up their planters and fertilizer application systems to no-till cash crops into living cover crops.
No-Till 101 Cover Crops ‘Greening Up’ Growers’ Bottom Lines
Results of the first annual Cover Crop Benchmark Study show a healthy level of enthusiasm and success among farmers with cover crops as they seek to protect their farms from erosion, reduce input costs and improve soil health on their operations.